The Process Modeling City
BPMN tutorials, posters, examples)
BPMN = Business Process Modeling Notation
POEM = Process Oriented Enterprise Modelling methodology. For describing business processes, roles, aretefacts and their instances.

Basic info |

Useful links |
POEM -> Tutorials, links, references
Forums and discussion groups
Process modelling methods
- BPMN - Business Process Modeling Notation home page
- OPM - Object Proces Modelling Method
- IDEF - Integrated Definition methods
Initiatives, groups, communities
- BPMI - Business Process Management Group, now joined with OMG - Object Management Group
- BPMG - Business Process Management Group
- Workflow & BPM research
- WARIA - Workflow And Reengineering International Association
Articles (in English language)
- Rozman T. , Vajde R. H. , Polančič G. (2004), Towards True Process Descriptions Interoperability, CIT - Journal of Computing and Information Technology, Volume 12, Number 2, 2004 and ITI'04, Cavtat, Croatia
- Rozman T. , Vajde R. H. , Rozman I. (2004), Experiences with Business Process Modeling Notation in educational process, IBIM 03', proceedings, Cairo, Egypt 2004
- Rozman T. , Vajde R. H. , Rozman I. (2003)," “SILVER BULLET” FOR BUSINESS PROCESSES MODELING AND EXECUTION? ", IIS2003 proceedings, Varaždin, Croatia
Articles (in Sloveninan language)
- Rozman T. , Vajde R. H. , Rozman I. (2003)," Srebrni metek" za modeliranje in izvajanje poslovnih procesov? ", Zbornik posvetovanja Dnevi slovenske informatike, Portorož, Slovenija, stran 94 - 100.
- MIVŠEK Janko, ROZMAN Tomislav: Modeliranje in izvajanje poslovnih procesov v spletnem okolju (predstavitev), Dnevi slovenske informatike 2007, Portorož