POEM -> Who we are?
Who are we?
Head of the POEM development:
Tomislav Rozman ( ), BICERO, Business Informatics Center Rozman d.o.o.
POEM mentor: Romana Vajde Horvat, proHuman d.o.o.
and ex co-workers from University of Maribor, Faculty of electrical engineering and computer science.
Involved in (business) process modelling since 2000.
was involved in several process reingeneering and analysis projects.
One of the main obstacles was, there was no standardized approach to
BPR (Business Process Reingeneering), or, existing ones were to vague,
to strict or not accessible (free).
I also teach BPMN at practical lectures (Standards and Quality) at UNI-MB since 0.9 version.
of the most frequent student's questions is: "Ok, I know all elements
of BPMN notation, but what is the right way to use it?"
started with the development of process modeling method (based on BPMN)
in 2003 with the study of existing process modelling techniques. I also
studied literature about cognitive load of conceptual models.
experiments were conducted, about how redundancy, split attention
effect and modality influence process modeller's cognitive load.
experiences from real world users (quality managers from some large
companies), gathered at seminars and tutorials are also incorporated in
POEM method.
In the first quarter of 2006, after the extensive research, the first version of the method is available.
If you want to participate in POEM development, contact me.