POEM -> what is it ?
POEM stands for Process Oriented Enterprise Modelling. It's a descriptive process oriented organizational /enterprise modelling methodology. It can be used for describing business processes, roles, aretefacts, their relations and their instances.
Formerly known as PRESY (PRocess Easy):

Because BPMN (Business Process Modelling Notation) itself is not
sufficient to cover all organizational process aspects, or, business
process aspects.
2. Because BPMN is only a notation, as its name suggests ;) . How to use it, that is another issue...
3. Because process approach is already included in modern standards (e.g. ISO9001:2000).
4. Because legacy organizational and process modelling methods incorporate BPMN only as add-on, not core language.
Because a lot of organisation's quality policies include textual
descriptions of the processes, or simple EPC diagrams. They're often
ambiguous, complex, hard to understand and contain no overview of
processes (or, process map).
All regards to BPMI.org,
who created a great tool - BPMN. But, what is a tool without
instructions? Or, if you build a house, you will surely need a hammer
(BPMN), but, you will also need other tools, plans... Here comes POEM
method to enhance and simplify the usage of BPMN.
What does POEM contain?
Two basic parts:
1. Packages, or process aspects definitions (where is BPMN process diagram just one of them)
2. Process, which teaches us how to approach process modelling project.
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We love to help companies to build their enterprise architecture and improve their business processes.